MAXEdge Protection & Edge Durability

How To Protect Your MAXEdge Perimeter Insulation

Having MAXEdge perimeter insulation in your home will make it perform better, now that is a fact. 

Do it once, do it right.

Ensure your MAXEdge perimeter insulation is protected long term against UV and weather so that you can enjoy the benefits of a warm, healthy and cost effective home long term.

Although in our experience it is extremely rare for gardening tools to damage the insulation, it is important to protect the insualtion properly from the start.

At MAXRaft we have three options to protect your MAXEdge insulation long term.

Option 1 - Pre-coated MAXEdge Insulation

Historically MAXEdge perimeter insulation was always installed 'uncoated', however in late 2023 we launched our 'precoated' option.  This means the MAXEdge insulation comes to site precoated with a waterproof resin approx. 3-4mm thick.  Although not required, we recommend that the pre-coated MAXEdge is painted during the build process for an enhanced finish. 

You can see more about this product and installation instructions here

Image 1 - Precoated MAXEdge perimeter insulation prior to painting.

Option 2 - Plastering uncoated MAXEdge insulation after the pour

Plastering the MAXEdge perimeter insulation after the pour gives the most premium finish to your slab. Like our other products it also protects the insulation long term and there are a range of products available in the market, giving customers the option to use their preferred supplier. 

Full plaster systems have multiple layers so are flexible, waterproof, durable and will resist a significant amount of impact, however they prefer you keep your "weed wackers" away.  We always recommend a mow strip or similar is factored in to your design and recommend plastering within 30 days of the concrete pour.




Image 2 - Example layers of a plastered system                                                             Image 3 - Finished plaster system

Current plaster system options include:

  • Beccrete fibre-reinforced & waterproof plaster coating system
  • Sto Plaster Systems visit website
  • Specialized Plaster Systems - visit website
  • Dulux Plaster Systems - visit website
  • Resene Plaster Systems

Always confirm with the manufacturer that their system is suitable. The above list is not exhaustive and other products that meet the appropriate NZBC requirements for application on to an XPS/EPS exterior may be used.

MAXRaft has plastering contacts nationwide or you can engage your chosen plasterer.  Please contact us with any queries.

Option 3 - MAXEdge & Kapo Board (Hard Edge)

Like option 2, the KAPO Board is fixed to the MAXEdge perimeter insulation after the concrete pour. 

KAPO Board is a 6mm calcium silicate hard board that has been tested to work with MAXEdge and is extremely strong. KAPO Board uses a specific glue to bond to the MAXEdge perimeter insulation and can be painted either prior to installation or during the build process.

To order MAXEdge KAPO Board contact MAXRaft.

Image 4 - MAXEdge KAPO Board


Contact Details and Manufacturer Specifications

MAXRaft® Kapo Board

Phone: 0800 629 7238
See more:

MAXRaft® has an exclusive relationship with Envirosquare and their KAPO Board on edge insulated foundations. The KAPO Board is appraised for use as a coating option on MAXRaft® for both EPS and XPS.