R-values Better Than The Building Code

Designed to improve the performance of your home, MAXRaft slabs easily meet & surpass the requirements of the current and upcoming building code changes scheduled for May 2023.

In June 2022 we completed our thermal modelling to showcase the MAXRaft product range and their associated R-values based on the area/perimeter ratio of the building.  This was required as a part of the upcoming building code changes based on A/P ratio and climate zone.  You can learn more about these changes by watching our video update.

Below is a snap shot of each product's R-value, click here to view the Thermal Modelling document or use our R-value Calculator.


The R-value table is not an exhaustive list of all our products.  Want an even higher R-value than is listed above? Contact us for more information. 

For houses with brick cladding the above table reflects a brick rebate.  An alternative detail for brick cladding with no rebate can be used to achieve higher R-values. 

The Thermal Modelling does not allow for penetrations through the underneath of the slab other than plumbing/drainage. Contact our team to discuss specific R-value calculations if required.

MAXRaft's Thermal Modelling was completed by Sustainable Engineering Ltd.  For specific calculations or more complex projects you can also contact them here.

MAXRaft Update July 22